Our culture

We provide an enjoyable place to work by building an innovative office space equipped with technology and a flexible work environment that promotes collaborative creativity.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
We value everyone’s contribution and celebrate the differences. Diverse and inclusive teams serve all of our customers and partners more effectively. We need to make sure that, not only do employees have a job, but they have the same ability to get promoted, to contribute and have the same impact — in the workplace — as their peers.
Constant innovation
We are not taught “the right way” to do things but are always encouraged to be creative at IChiba. Innovation and creativity always exist in our team, inspiring us to generate new opportunities. We suppose that unexpected chances emerge when the whole company is promoted to innovate.
Constant innovation
We are not taught “the right way” to do things but are always encouraged to be creative at IChiba. Innovation and creativity always exist in our team, inspiring us to generate new opportunities. We suppose that unexpected chances emerge when the whole company is promoted to innovate.
Stay Agile
At IChiba, we create an environment powered by values, behaviors, and practices that help individuals become more adaptive, flexible, innovative, and resilient when dealing with complexity, uncertainty, and change. This allows our employees to foster the idea of transparency and openness and have a better work-life balance.

Because employee matters

"Your employees need more than just paychecks"
Recognizing that employees can only perform to their full potential if the appropriate needs are met, IChiba OnePlatform strives to provide the essential necessities both materially and spiritually. It is where you will have the opportunity to work with other passionate, like-minded individuals while also showcasing your true colors.At IChiba OnePlatform, we provide a variety of job search/career advancement opportunities, as well as the motivation to become the best version of yourself. Whether you're a recent graduate, a new professional, or a seasoned professional, your path to reaching your goals begins here.

Employee benefits

At IChiba OnePlatform, we offer a range of great benefits that support employees such as paid time off and paid holidays, company trips in addition to other medical accommodation options that are available for mental and physical health concerns.

Training & development

We establish a professional working environment and provide proper training so that staff can improve their skills, and ensure that the work loads are always followed.

Work environment

A positive work environment promotes employee wellbeing, productivity and growth. Our culture, our values, and the way we work together as a team, ensure that everyone feels valued and rewarded for the contribution they bring.

Equity program

We want all employees to align with and share in IChiba OnePlatform's success. Our equity program allows for all members to participate in both new hire and ongoing equity grants.

Flexible working arrangements

We offer flexible working time & place for employees to improve their physical and mental well-being. When staff members work from home, they are likely to be less tired and better rested, reducing the risks of fatigue, burnout and stress.

Leadership program

We encourage employees to work to overcome their own limitations and build on their strengths. Here at IChiba OnePlatform, everyone opens the doors of possibilities to learn and develop leadership skills.
How we hire
1.   Apply
Feel free to apply for more than one job at once. We’re open for candidates to seek multiple opportunities. However, keep in mind that quantity, not quality, is the way to go.
2.   Interview
Once we believe you might be a perfect match for the job, you'll receive an email and a phone call for interview confirmation. You can choose to take the interview online or offline.
3.   Notify
After your interviews are completed, we will compile and review everything from your application and interviews. If we determine that you are the best applicant for the position, we will contact you with an offer.
4.   confirm
After you accept the offer, our onboarding team will assist you through compensation, benefits, badging, insurance, and other details, and you'll be on your way to being a member of IChiba OnePlatform team!
5.   contract
We're glad to have you. Welcome to IChiba OnePlatform!
We save every single sweet memories together!

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